Thankful Thursday – Lots of Love

Heart Shaped HandsIt’s Thankful Thursday, and we are so thankful for all the people who love us!

We are really fortunate here at A String Thing to have really supportive spouses. They allow us to be creative and crafty, and don’t (usually) complain when yarn ends up covering the dining room table, for the third time this week.

game controller



They allow and encourage us to spend hours honing and perfecting our craft. That may be because we allow them those same hours to play video games, but who’s really counting?

They allow us to go off adventuring at Fiber Festivals, and trust us not to bringalpaca home our very own alpaca. Sometimes they even join us!

We are so thankful that our husbands are loving, understanding, and supportive, and that’s why we’re honoring them this week for Thankful Thursday.

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